Saturday, March 12, 2011

How many months is that?

Well, so much for doing a monthly update, but what can I say, life is uneventful.  Ok, now a bit of catch up.

December - As I said the last time, Marlene, Matt, Delsin & Ruby-Ann left Jabiru to go overseas for a year.  They are currently in Nepal for five months (they have been previously and have friends) and then are off to Malaysia, as well as a few other SE Asian countries.  Ah, that is the life.  Anyway, they are having a great time, and are wondering when I will join them.  Alas, I think I will be here for a little while yet.

I also when home for Christmas for a couple of weeks and caught up with the family and a couple of friends.  I also had to buy a new laptop unfortunately, as my old one was going down hill fast.  It was still going well enough though for my Mum to use, so she now has it until it dies completely.

January/February - Since returning home I have worked, and worked, and worked.  I haven't done much else.  The rain doesn't help either.  I don't really feel like going for a walk out to Nourlangie (which is where I want to go next)  when I'm going to get caught in the middle of a downpour.  Where getting a fair bit of rain up here, including a couple of cyclones (Jabiru wasn't effected too badly), and have even been cut off from Darwin, via the Arnhem Hwy.  We could still get to Darwin via the Kakadu Hwy but it was an extra couple of hours on top of the normal 2.5hrs.  No thank you.  So I haven't left Jabiru since Christmas break.  It can make you a little nutty.

Another person travelling o/s, Kate.  I also met Kate through work when she was contracted to help on a project.  She has gone to Senegal for 5 (I think) months, and has been there previously and has friends.  While Kate (artist, dancer, musician etc) is there she will be starting a community project creating a place where locals artists can come together to work on their art.  If this works out, Kate hopes to eventually help them sell their art via the internet.

Last of all, uni.  Uni started back again at the end of Feb, and although I haven't started my first assignment, I have prepared.  I will be doing my last theory unit 'Middle Years 2' which focuses on my specialty of Middle School, years 5 or 6 to 9 or 10, depending on who you ask.  Then I will have only my 2 prac units left which I may do later this year.  We'll see.  I will be glad to get it finished.

Well, that was a bit of a catch up.  No photos, and I most probably missed something, but I'm sure you're not that concerned.

Until next time....

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